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Meet the CEO

Timmisha Moore, popularly known as “Mimi” is from Pittsburgh Pa, where she resides with her family. Her most important role to date is being a mother of four beautiful children. She is a college graduate, mentor, and dedicated business owner. Timmisha displayed compassion, care, and empathy for others at a young age.  She has a natural ability to make others feel good about themselves.  So it is at no surprise she landed in the hair industry. 

Timmisha started Mimi Sha’ar virgin hair company in 2013 to not only provide extra income for her family but to offer better hair quality to women around the world. She prides herself on offering top quality hair to her customers, and providing exceptional customer service.  She has taken one-on-one classes with several well known local stylists to enhance her competence by learning how to customize lace and wig construction, all in an effort to learn more about her products and grow her brand. Timmisha considers herself a forever student as she continues to educate herself and stays informed on the products and services offered to her customers. 


Timmisha admits to life as an entrepreneur  being tough at times but her faith and relationship with God are what give her the strength to go on. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t give credit to God for all of her current and future success, she is a firm believer in her favorite scripture (Phillipians 4:13) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. With God by her side, a loyal customer base whom she is beyond thankful for and the best quality hair there is to offer, Timmisha sees nothing but great things ahead for Mimi Sha’ar virgin hair company. 

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